My Citizens, dark clouds are gathering on the horizon, threatening the very foundation that is TFD Nation!
As you know, TFD prides himself on posting 1 recipe a day, every day. Unfortunately, the financial cost of maintaining this pace has taken its toll.
TFD costs at least 0 a month between hosting, !
I refuse to bring ads into the site as it would ruin your reading experience – so, my only choice is to ½ the number of posts I make per month moving forward.
A great disappointment. 🙁
…but you can help, loyal Citizens!
You can donate a monthly amount to keep the lights on here at TFD Nation. Even a dollar or two would make a HUGE difference, all you need to do is click the big red “donate” button or the “Patreon” button at the end of this and every post.
For less than the cost of 1 movie ticket per year, one cup of coffee a month, you can join the gilded ranks of “Citizen First Class” – those proud supporters of TFD who are amongst the proud, the ELITE!
Your beloved leader hopes you will find it within your hearts to make a donation and get us back to a normal daily publishing schedule ASAP!
With gratitude, YOUR Generalissimo
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