My Citizens – all of us at TFD Nation are without doubt or shame running afraid of COVID-19 at the moment, but take heart! While the Superlative One – YOUR TFD! – is sheltering in place like the rest of the San Francisco Bay Area, I stand at the ready to make your own self-isolation more bearable over the next few weeks!
First – have you listened to our new podcast where I have indeed – quite literally – spoken? Three episodes have been dropped so far, all equally magnificent in their content and melded with the soothing tenor of my voice! Subscribe and listen to us on Apple, Spotify, Google and more. Check them out here!
Next, I shall try and focus my next several recipes on using pantry staple ingredients you already have around your home, including several pasta and sauce recipes! If you’re stuck at home, what better time to try your hand at some new and filling recipes guaranteed to please your entire family!
Lastly, beware of false information about COVID-19, there is a TON of bad data out right now – but this site will keep you appraised of all the latest (and correct) info!
Citizens, if we can join together as one community of humanity looking out for one another, we WILL emerge triumphant on the other side of this pandemic!
I have spoken!
Battle on, the Generalissimo
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