My Citizens! I, the Supernal One, have descended from my hidden lair, high on the volcanic summit of Mt. Erebus in Antarctica where fire and ice are as one, to grace you all with one of my infrequent but always didactic proclamations!
Attend and pay heed, o magnificent members of TFD Nation – a thought has manifested itself in my divine consciousness like a lotus rising from the sacred banks of the Ganges!
There can be no cause for doubt that I am a HUGE Monty Python fan, and have been for the last 4 decades at least! ‘The Holy Grail’ remains one of my all-time favorite movies!
In fact, it was watching that zeitgeist of comedic brilliance on the silver screen with my father that I had my first, hysterical fit of laughter that brought me to my literal knees. One of the funniest amongst these funniest of men is Michael Palin.
The various members of the Python troupe have of course moved on since breaking up, some to heights of glory, some – sadly – have fallen to Death. However, Michael Palin is the first of the troupe to achieve the singular honor of being knighted for his long-standing service to country and Crown!
Sir Palin – it has a nice ring to it…
To celebrate this milestone achievement, TFD – the Haruspex of History, does hereby and hereon solemnly and sincerely promise and swear that the next several recipes will all be from the medieval period of ‘The Holy Grail’ and shall without question tantalize both your palate and your intellect in equal measure.
For the record, four of TFD’s favorite SIR Palin moments are this one from ‘The Holy Grail’ (and of course, this one as well!), this one from Life of Brian and this one from the TV series.
Should you happen to be a member of the People’s Front of Judea, or the Judean People’s Front for that matter, you may wish to check out these recipes.
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