Citizens – we have been online for less than a week and we are already up to 500 members of the FD Nation here on Facebook! 🙂
I thank you for your loyalty in learning about authentic world cuisine – now I ask that you spread the word to your FB and Twitter friends! Our Twitter account is @gustomaximus and we also have a Pinterest account.
I want us to double our numbers by mid-month – your participation is a civic duty. 😉
Your reward – one lucky person who shares the Food Dictator love on Facebook or Twitter will receive a bottle of our legendary homemade hot sauce!
Made from 4 different peppers, 11 herbs and spices and other secret ingredients, it has travelled to the top of the world in the South American Andes (see the pic) and has been rated one of the best hot sauces in the world!
You can’t buy it – but you CAN win it. 🙂
There will be random requests throughout the next few weeks on the blog to tweet or Facebook about us as you read the recipes – please do so as this is your ticket to win.
You can also just tweet or share the page on Facebook yourself – I’ll be keeping track of things here at The Generalissimo’s secret compound. The winner will be announced on January 15 – so get to sharing and enjoy YOUR blog, citizens! 😀
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